Baby WhatsApp has been launched and updated to the latest version, the update was much required as Meta has been implementing new changes in the app. The base has been updated to the latest version on Google Play Store. Now, you can download Baby WhatsApp Mod Latest Edition from the download section below.
There is no doubt that Baby WhatsApp Mod is meant for those users who want minimal personalization and are happy to secure their account with extra privacy and features not available in the official WhatsApp messenger. While many WhatsApp Mods are available to choose from and download, most have different features and functionalities that allow users to change the user interface with free themes, fonts, icons, etc. Baby WhatsApp does not offer such advanced features. However, it provides advanced privacy mods to its users.
Baby WhatsApp includes many privacy options we can imagine, or almost all, that we can apply to group chats or individual contacts. Moreover, the modded WhatsApp app has extra multimedia options and premium features, such as sending messages to contacts not saved in the contact list.
Download Baby WhatsApp
Check out the full details of Baby WhatsApp Mod APK developers, the total number of downloads, version information, and application size:
App name | Baby WhatsApp |
Last Updated | 1 day ago |
App version | v22 |
Downloads | 5,000,000+ |
Compatibility | Android 6.0+ |
App Size72 | MB |
Package name | com.whatsapp |
Developer | Sam |
WhatsApp Baby Mod is free to use and cannot be installed along with the official WhatsApp accounts on your Android smartphone. If you want to install multiple WhatsApp accounts, you can install WhatsApp Aero; the package name differs.
What is Baby WhatsApp Mod
Baby WhatsApp is a modded WhatsApp lightweight software like GBWhatsApp with added functionalities and many extra features. This modified WhatsApp app differs from the official version due to its advanced features and customization. The app offers a variety of options, including hiding last seen, blue ticks and forwarded message tags.
The app aims to safeguard privacy to an extensive level by allowing users to hide their online activity, such as freezing the last seen but seeing others, viewing others’ statuses without letting them know, and letting the end-user download them.
Once you download and start using Baby WhatsApp, you will discover what you were missing in the official WhatsApp Messenger on the Google Play Store. Baby WhatsApp will make messaging more accessible and keep your privacy intact, which an application should prioritize first.
Features of Baby WhatsApp
Baby WhatsApp focuses mainly on the users’ privacy and has no other customization features. Check out the detailed features of the app below:
Status Mods
Hide View Status: View the other’s status without letting them know you have seen it. Turning this feature on allows you to check who has seen your status.
Contact Mods
Hide Blue Ticks: In the official WhatsApp, you can turn this feature off; however, it also turns off yours. With this mod, you can turn off the blue tick on your sender but view theirs.
Hide Second Tick: When your mobile data or WiFi is turned off, the sender can see only one tick. You can turn off the second tick by turning on this mod but view others.
Hide Blue Microphone: This mod comes very handy. If the opposite person has turned off the blue tick but sends you audio and you view it, he can know you are online. The hide blue microphone mod helps you turn it off. Notable. Many users like this mod.
Hide Recording and Typing: If you have not turned off the blue ticks mod, the other person might know you are typing or recording a voice message. Use this mod to go into ghost mode completely.
Privacy Mods
Hide Last Seen: Freeze or hide your last seen with this mod. Remember that you won’t be able to see others last seen.
Disable Forwarded Messages Tag: Nowadays, we forward messages from one to another, and WhatsApp has implemented this feature that lets the other person know about it. This mod removes the forwarded message tag.
Blue Tick on Reply: A convenient mod that lets you stay invisible until you reply to your sender.
Anti-Revoke: One of the best features of Baby WhatsApp or any other modded WhatsApp is the anti-revoke mod. If a sender deletes a message or photo, you can still see it. The same goes for status photos and videos.
Anti-View Once: WhatsApp Messenger has added this feature, similar to Snapchat, that lets the sender set the timer for messages to be viewed once or seven days. Anti-View Once retains the messages or photos.
Exotic Features of Baby WhatsApp Mod
- Anti-Ban feature
- The base has been updated to the latest version
- Privacy mods
- UI similar to WhatsApp Messenger
- Custom privacy
- New chat for numbers
- Status downloading feature
- Dark mode available
- Easy SMS verification
How To Install Baby WhatsApp APK
If this is your first time installing, you must first take a backup of your chats, and then you will be required to uninstall any WhatsApp Mod previously installed on your device. You must also allow the installation from unknown sources on your device. After all, you can restore the chats once the application is installed med once the application is installed.
Let me explain how to download and install Baby WhatsApp without losing chats.
Step 1: Download the Baby WhatsApp APK from the download section above.
Step 2: Save the APK file in the Downloads folder of your Android smartphone.
Step 3: Once the download is complete, navigate to the Downloads folder.
Step 4: Now tap on the file.
Step 5: Next, permit the file to be installed if you are on Android 8 and above on the screen.
Step 6: Let the application install.
Step 7: Once the application is installed, open it.
Step 8: Now verify the WhatsApp account with your Phone number.
Step 9: Congratulations! You have successfully installed Baby WhatsApp.
Remember, there is only one package for Baby WhatsApp with the codename com.whatsapp. This means you will not be able to run the official WhatsApp Messenger alongside any other WhatsApp mod such as iOS WhatsApp or Fouads Mod that uses the same package name.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I install Baby WhatsApp on my iPhone?
No, this is an APK package that is only meant for Android.
Will my chats get erased for installing Baby WhatsApp?
You must take a backup of the chats before installing.
Is this Anti-Ban? Will I get banned?
All modded WhatsApp apps have the Anti-Ban feature.
Can I use more than one WhatsApp on the same phone?
Yes, you can use multiple WhatsApp accounts on the same device. It would help if you had different phone numbers and the WhatsApp package.
How do I back up and restore my chats on a new phone?
Go to Advanced options > Universal> Backup and Restore > Save your chats with media.
Can we take a backup to Google Drive?
Backups to Google Drive do not work in any modded WhatsApp application.
What are the alternatives to WhatsApp Baby?
Many mods are available, like Blue WhatsApp, FMWhatsApp, and WhatsApp Plus.
WhatsApp Baby or Baby WhatsApp is a modified version of the official WhatsApp Messenger with added features. This application is for those users who do not like many customizations but are happy with the privacy mods. If you like themes, icons, and styles, try other mods, such as iOS WhatsApp. Baby WhatsApp is for those users who do not want some extra features included but stick with the authentic functionalities of WhatsApp’s official version with just the privacy mods.
Download Baby WhatsApp and secure your online activities by hiding the status viewed, turning off forward message tags, hiding the blue tick and revoking the deleted messages option. Please let us know if you have any problems installing the modded app; we will reply as soon as possible, or you may contact us through our Telegram Group Chat for quick support.